Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nitwits, Pollyannas and Marxists


It's well past time to see things as they really are, and not the way we'd like to see them.

It's well past time to vigorously confront the mendacity and treason of Progressive propagandists and political hacks at all levels and on both sides of the aisle.

For us to continue to tolerate, appease and compromise with these shameless alien ideologues and soulless demagogues must now be regarded by patriots everywhere as dishonorable, suicidal and, thus, without any redeeming value whatsoever.

Without rehashing the litany of lies and obscurantism so unabashedly exhibited by Progressives, for the informed and clear-eyed among us it should now be painfully obvious that owing to the relentless Progressive assault on our political, societal and economic foundations, our liberties and way of life are imperiled as never before. If we are to thwart the "fundamental transformation of the USA", the Progressive threat to our very survival must be boldly confronted head on and resisted at every turn.

The cacophony of odious scandals and the Progressives' ruthless advancement of secularism and egalitarianism now influences every facet of our society--the military, the government at all levels, our schools and churches, our moral precepts, and now the healthcare system itself.  Why? Because dedicated Progressives understand that for Communism to triumph, the State must successfully undermine the family and religious faith, debauch the currency, eliminate the people's ability to defend themselves and to control both their healthcare and the education of their children. And toward that end, the success of Progressive treachery--with the compliance of self-serving elitist enablers on the right--has been nothing short of spectacular.

Long ago hijacked by Statists and Marxists, we must be fully mindful that the Democratic Party's march toward utopian tyranny is frighteningly on pace to completely wreck the most exceptional experiment in self-government the world has ever known. Sadly, however, far too many Americans have opted to sit idly by as this bone-chilling carnage is perpetrated.

But, we who are still able to see and think and to differentiate between good and evil--and now even a few malcontents on the left--understand that Socialism/Communism violates Natural Law and is, therefore, unworkable and self-destructive. The bountiful historical evidence to substantiate this historical reality is simply too overwhelming for any rational being to seriously discount. As XM Radio's Andrew Wilkow of "Wilkow Majority" so succinctly stated recently, "the dumbest capitalist can make capitalism work, but the smartest socialist can't make socialism work." For the hardcore leftist, however, this fundamental and unassailable historical truth is nothing more than vile racism wrapped in apostasy.

As today's telltale polls so clearly and disturbingly indicate, among us there are those who believe that all will work out for the best (the Pollyannas, disengaged and uninformed), those who have lost the ability to rationally think at all (the Nitwits), and, of course, the either willfully ignorant or dedicated Marxist Progressives, bereft of a moral compass, who remain hell-bent on blindly steering the ship of state toward certain political collapse and economic oblivion.

Though the malignant cancer of Progressivism/Marxism continues to metastasize throughout our social, economic and political fabric, and despite the growing and unsettling prospect of tyranny's triumph, it's still not too late for determined patriots to prevent this Progressive-induced catastrophe.

Yes, the old republic is in tatters, hanging precariously by a thread, and we have 3 more years of corrosive Progressive subversion with which to contend. In truth, Uncle Sam is near exhaustion and can't take much more before he expires and his "indivisible union" completely falls apart. Thus, only determined, principled, fearless and unified patriotic pushback can restore our exceptionalism and our way of life.

Given the chasmic ideological divide which exists in this nation today, bipartisanship and political compromise have become virtually unachievable. In this zero-sum ideological struggle, it's become crystal-clear that political compromise with Progressives will not ensure prosperity, rule of law, constitutional order or the inviolability of the American Way, but, rather, surrender and tyranny. For many patriots, therefore, compromising with Progressives is no longer viewed as a reasonable or noble course of action. Increasingly and understandably, compromising with or accommodating the Progressive agenda is properly regarded as a Trojan horse synonymous with appeasement and national suicide.

Drawing on our Founders' wisdom, I believe we should each carefully and honestly weigh the domestic ideological challenges besetting us, and be fully prepared for what may likely be the Republic's political disintegration and economic ruin. To ameliorate the effects of a nationwide political and economic collapse affecting us all, I urge all patriots to keep all constitutional and God-given remedies on the table--civil disobedience, state nullification, secession and rebellion.

And always remember that We the People are the ultimate arbiters of what is and what is not constitutional. As guardians of the Constitution and of our Natural Rights, We the People must determine our national destiny, but also the extent of our individual liberties and of our political connections with the whole. This duty cannot be delegated to authoritarian apparatchiks whose single-minded and sinister goal is to dominate every facet of our lives--NOT to judiciously and responsibly represent our legitimate rights as citizens of a once great republic.

"Tolerance and Apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." Aristotle

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." Thomas Jefferson

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself...a murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." Cicero

"If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify." Alexander Hamilton

Sen. Harkin (D-Iowa) Warns of Civil War


Friday, September 27, 2013
Earlier today on the Senate floor, Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) assailed those attempting to defund Obamacare with these lofty and inspirational words:  "It's dangerous. It's very dangerous. I believe, Mr. President, we are at one of the most dangerous points in our history right now. Every bit as dangerous as the break-up of the Union before the Civil War."

Aside from exposing his woeful ignorance of history--it wasn't a "civil war" by any academic stretch--he may have unwittingly probed the truth. In fact, we ARE, since Obama's election,  at "one of the most dangerous points in our history". But, it certainly isn't because the Conservatives or the Tea Partiers are irrationally pressing to repeal, defund or delay the Obamacare  horror. It is precisely because the Progressives are hellbent to "fundamentally transform the United States of America" into another failed utopian state.

Like it or not, Harkin and his verminous Progressive co-conspirators are totally responsible for the historic spike in State nullification actions around the country, to say nothing of the burgeoning secessionist sentiment now sweeping this once venerable union of States. Were we a Republic ideologically at peace with ourselves, this turmoil wouldn't be happening. Sadly, however, we are in the throes of a sinister and probably irremediable ideological struggle whose outcome, while still uncertain, is probably pre-ordained.

What Comrade Harkin and his Progressive apparatchiks are disinclined to appreciate is that not all Americans--especially those who are still alive, breathing and thinking--have any intention of going down with a sinking ship. Only suicidal and feckless ideologues of the neo-Marxist genre are willing to blindly follow that self-destructive path.

Over the years, we've been spoon-fed a lot of crap and drivel about secession and nullification--what it is and what it isn't; whether or not it is treasonous or legal. The short of it is that when all else fails to check tyranny both remedies are constitutional--no less so than rebellion and civil disobedience.

History and the wisdom of our Founders clearly demonstrate that  neither nullification nor secession is treasonous--unless, of course, you are one of the country's ruling elites today who disdainfully view the Constitution as a pesky document to be circumvented and violated if such actions advance one's self-serving ideological agenda and unquenchable thirst for power.

As I substantively explained in my book, "A Patriot's Call to Action", secession is absolutely, irrefutably, incontrovertibly constitutional and, therefore, lawful. Successful force of arms alone doesn't extinguish the unalienable rights of the People subjugated or the reserved powers of the States. (Note: there's a good reason why Confederate leaders weren't hauled into court for treason following the North's costly victory over the South. The North didn't want to lose in court what it thought it had won on the battlefield.)

Always remember that the union is based upon a contract between the sovereign States and the federal government, the former which created the latter. As in all contracts, if either party to that contract violates the terms of that contract (think Constitution), then the contract is null and void. Simple contract law. More precisely, those powers, stated or unstated, not specifically granted by the States to the federal government are, by virtue of the 9th and 10th Amendments, solely vested in the States and/or the People. And nowhere in the Constitution or in our founding documents are secession and nullification prohibited or subject to federal review or sanction. (It is important to note that three States--look it up--conditioned their ratification of the Constitution upon their reserved right to secede if the federal government usurped undelegated powers, or if the contract no longer adequately served the sovereign interests of the States.)

Though over the years the States have been lulled into a condition of servility by obscenely huge unconstitutional federal giveaways, the Constitution can be ignored, but it can't be bought off. As is, it remains the Supreme Law of the land, and only the People, the final arbiters, through their duly elected representatives can amend it.

So, again, Harkin was unwittingly more right than he was wrong. Where he erred was in conveying the dimwitted notion that the union's dissolution is the fault of Republicans, Conservatives and Tea Partiers who oppose Obamacare.

Going forward, we need to expunge the dangerous revisionism and misinformation which stigmatize or otherwise delegitimize secession and nullification. In these precarious times, let the Founders be our guide. We negate or otherwise ignore sacred constitutional remedies at our own peril.